Maidstone Family Clinic

For the highest quality of care

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Your dedicated family doctor

Maidstone Family Clinic is located 9KM from Melbourne CBD toward the West. It is situated at 191 Ballarat Rd Maidstone 3012, cornered with Churchill Ave.

Our missions are: (1) To manage chronic disease patients effectively and (2) To detect those who have chronic disease risk at an early stage and thus help them to address and manage earlier for better health outcomes.

We are proud to collaborate with many dedicated GPs who specialise in many aspects from: Providing health care to a diverse range of young to older people, including those who are vulnerable & disadvantaged, who will most benefit from access to a GP. Our other specialised aspect are Family practice, family planning, Paediatrics, Community Child Health, Dermatology, aged care, women’s health, sexual health, clinical teaching, General Practice Training and Undergraduate Medical education, men’s health, population health, multicultural health, refugee health, sports medicine, travel medicine, minor surgery, skin clinic, diabetes management, preventive health.

Services we offer

General Health
Prevention and Wellness
Contraceptive Services

We also support our local services near the medical centre

Meet our doctors

We believe in providing comprehensive healthcare services to all our patients with great care. Maidstone Clinic hosts patients from a wide range of multicultural communities, offering high quality care, Bulk billing & affordable No gap Fee medical services (OSHC & OVHC). The aim is to promote better health and improve people’s well-being. We all work hard and will never stop improving our service to deliver holistic care to our patients.